Wednesday's Winter Time II

One week and the difference from the last post is remarkable. We did the same destination only approach was from a different side. However, the upper part of the trail is the same so you can compare the first photo here from the fourth one in the last post. Cool isn't it?

I still haven't shown you my December's ATC for Willowing swap - well, here they are. I used only watercolors and they came out pretty nicely me thinks ;) (it's two cards - one next to another)


  1. I love the photos and the feeling behind. Nevertheless, the fox is the best.

  2. Sorry, I should have said that I prefer the fox.

  3. Of course she is, you don't like the cold, do you? ;)

  4. Wow, if that's not a winter wonderland, then I don't know what is! And your watercolor cards are fantastic! The teeny bird and teeny bird house! And that precious kitten in the window! Wonderful, delicate style.

  5. Wow! BEAUTIFUL photos nini, how far away are you from such lovely scenery?

  6. Thank you so much Cindy!
    And Sand, I'm 20 minutes drive, away from scenery like this. But behind our houses there's a big plain and the walk there is precious as well.

  7. wow - what gorgeous photos! Like a real winter wonderland! xo

  8. Thank you Stephanie, I wish I could go out now to show the huge difference all the ice made... but it's too dangerous to go out in these conditions. So much has been broken :(


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