
Inspiration comes in many forms and one of them is present in the form of other artists, artists we look up to or like to see their work because it triggers something within us. I follow a lot of people on FB and other places but four of them kind of stand out in relation to my current Small Sketchbook Challenge. They are the ones that "pushed" me to go after this challenge and the ones that made me give the promise to myself to do it, to finish what I started so that I'll be able to look upon what I finished and be happy about it. And that's the biggest thing, isn't it? The happiness and the feeling of being proud in the end and the happiness that comes to you every time you look at your achievement, no matter what it might be.

So, let me introduce you to four of very creative and incredibly kind people:

Jennifer's entries in her sketchbook.

Jennifer Orkin Lewis a.k.a. august wren - she is into a 365 Drawing Project and I'm in awe every time I see her painting, which she manages to do in either 30 minutes or even less. Lisa Congdon had an interview with her recently so you can read more about Jennifer's process here.

Pavinee's colorful piece.

Pavinee S a.k.a. Merry Day became a good artsy friend over the last two years and is also doing her own version of drawing daily. Her merry and joyful drawings or paintings brighten up days for a lot of people she touches with her art and I'm really glad we crossed paths. 
Yvonne's lovely lines.
Yvonne Dekker; her gorgeous drawings can be seen on her Instagram and FB page (but you'd have to be friends with her to see them there :) ). I wish she'd update her Etsy Shop but I know how this goes so I better not say it ;) Yvonne's sense of humor and masterful lines are a huge inspiration to me not to mention her true friendship. I wish she wasn't from the Netherlands so we could meet on regular bases and make cool things together.

Koosje's gorgeous work from one of her sketchbooks.
Koosje Koene is quite a well known sketcher these days (ok, has been for quite some time already :) ). She is a great teacher and teaches drawing and sketching in many online classes, the most famous one being Sketchbook Skool. I love seeing her Draw Tip Tuesday videos because they are always quick and very informative but most of all, they are FUN, just like she is.

There are others too of course and I'm grateful to each and every one of you for being there and shining for all of us.

Thank you!


  1. Oh thank you! I was so glad to hear your starting a sketchbook and happy to see you enjoying it. I know how it feels to finish even little drawing everyday. I have to say thank you back to you and our little group too. You all are constantly making art and finding things for inspirations. That pushed me to do my own things.

    I'm so glad we have met and helping each other grow :)

    I'm also following Jennifer and Koosje. Their consistency and hard work inspire me :D

  2. You are awesome! And very inspiring yourself. Hugs from Amsterdam. While sitting at that very kitchen table there actually :)

  3. wow! so lovely to read about these great and inspirational artists...and I have the pleasure of knowing three of them!

    great blog post, Nini!


  4. Haha, thanks for *not* mentioning the Etsy monster ;) & THANK YOU, so much... What a huge honour to be spotlighted like this <3 Your friendship means so much to me, & I'm so inspired by your sketchbook challenge - I know you're a creative mastermind, but I really love that I get to see so much of your work right now <3 Inspired by what you make as well as by your determination to work through the discomfort <3
    & can I just eloquently say - whaaaah :D This really made my busy & grumpy sort of day :D Thank you for being you & sharing so happily <3

  5. :) Thank you dear friends! For everything.

    Koosje, one day I'll visit you there and have that cuppa with you, and the cake you'll bake :)

    Pavinee, exactly! We are truly helping each other grow and I love it.

    Yvonne, your words are always so spot on and your support means the world to me.

    Sandy, thank you for being here. You are always so encouraging and I'm really glad we got to know each other and that I can call you my friend.

  6. Great post and thank you for reminding me about most of these people who I haven't visited in ages. Where does the time go?!

  7. Thank you Cindy! I have no idea where time goes, I just know it does! :/


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