September has been around for quite a while but I'm eagerly waiting for Autumn to begin. For real. Not only at the evening and during the night.
I love changes that are occurring outside when nature gets new colors and sun gets this beautiful warm light in late afternoons. I snapped this sunflower last Thursday and I love how it looks. I know it's all worn out and not exactly pretty to look at but I find it extremely beautiful. I think that despite the drought it experienced and all the sun it received it looks kind of happy, kind of grateful for being here.
I'm working on another needle felted project these days and I'm sharing this sneak peek with you:
How are you my friends? What is going in your lives lately?
I love changes that are occurring outside when nature gets new colors and sun gets this beautiful warm light in late afternoons. I snapped this sunflower last Thursday and I love how it looks. I know it's all worn out and not exactly pretty to look at but I find it extremely beautiful. I think that despite the drought it experienced and all the sun it received it looks kind of happy, kind of grateful for being here.
I'm working on another needle felted project these days and I'm sharing this sneak peek with you:
How are you my friends? What is going in your lives lately?
i hope you don't mind but i just pinned your beautiful sunflower photograph. it has credits back to you.
ReplyDeleteit's that beautiful that i didn't even realise it was half dead until i looked at it a second time. the colours are wonderful.
But of course I don't mind, thank you for finding and liking it in the first place.
DeleteI was kind of overwhelmed by this sunflower too, it looked so happy and content to me even if she was going towards her end.