My 52 in a year - 2021: Focusing on the Positive

Hello there, so glad you’re here. Grab a lovely drink and let’s dive in. This might be a bit of a read ;)

In November 2019 my plan for 2020 begun to crystallize. I felt it was about time I focused on my creativity alone, work through all the e-courses I have so generously piled up and maybe encounter my own style while doing it. I also felt really good about finishing My 52 in 2019 project and not running another one. I have been running groups with these yearly challenges for a few years and I was beginning to feel quite depleted. I was also really grateful to my friend Vesna for taking the FB group over so that My 52 in 2020 kept going.

But then I got an offer I felt I shouldn’t refuse. I have learned a valuable lesson with it, more of them actually but this does not belong here. Even if, in a way, it leads to what I am about to propose.

Observing 2020, reactions to it, lessons it offered and honestly, all the good it brought to me, I feel like sharing my findings again and again (because I myself keep forgetting about them!) so I'm inviting you to a year of focusing on the positive rather than negative. Why? Because it changes your reality in the best possible way.

The point here is in the active searching, noticing of the good that happens around you, for you. The mindfulness about our own feelings, actions and surroundings.

It’s also about manifesting. The word I heard so many times this year and that finally led to a huge aha moment about what it really is. The Universe always gives us more of what we react to. Think about it. Really think. What was happening around you when you were in a positive mood versus a negative mood?

When I started noticing heart shapes outside, in forms of leaves, rocks, pebbles, clouds, whatever really, I just started receiving more and more of them. Because I genuinely got really excited about them. They made me happy, assured me all was well. They were also the silent words from Universe. And I still love seeing them and in return I still do. Very often.  

When I would be dragged down by thoughts fed to me by my own ego, and got myself into a really bad mood, nothing could be good. My stomach would hurt after a meal, I would be triggered by words I would otherwise never be, my cat would get all weird, I would take my negativity out and pass it forward instantly. But since I know this is no way to be, to live, I do my best to get out of it. I catch myself and do something about it. I actively DO something.

The thing that works every single time, is being creative. Just for the sake of it. Not going after making any masterpieces of course – one really isn’t in the right mindset when the ego is in control and everything just sucks. Just doing something. Doodling, painting, colouring, needle-felting, cooking, baking, anything really. Because creativity always connects me to my higher self and even if the connection is short or weak, it still makes a huge huge difference.

The other thing that helps me get my vibe up is nature. Going for a walk or hike is so beneficial and not just on the spiritual level, on the physical as well :) And I think everyone knows this. Nature with its fresh air and magical Elementals definitely lifts us up.

But since I'm proposing a creative project here, a free one, I need to finally write what I've been thinking about.

I propose at least 52 “works” that will focus on the good things we experience daily. You can:
  • journal about your week and it’s highlights
  • art journal about the week and use photos you took during that week along with other ephemera that helps you remember what went on that lifted you up
  • post at least one photo a day that tells you something good about that day (use Instagram, Facebook, your blog, something that you can go over again and again and take positive vibes from). This is something I have been doing for the past 7 years and the books I make from these photos feel so good to flip through.
  • start a daily morning art practice - it will set your vibe high for the whole day! I love going through my small watercolor sketchbooks that hold quite a few treasures from this sort of practice

So, what say you? I hope you’re getting a little bit excited abut this :)

In a way, this challenge is a simple one but on the other hand, it’s not. We are going to get sidetracked, things will get in the way, our ego will get us thinking this project really sucks, it’s not worthy of our time, it doesn’t look good, it’s a waste of time BUT! These thoughts are the proof we are onto something! We are onto something that lifts us up and disconnects the ego from it’s control over us. It means we found gold and we have to stick to it as it’s in our Soul’s best interest to do it.
And here’s where support in form of a group of like minded people comes in. I am inviting you to my FB group for accountability reasons, for the cheering up, for all the amazing words that get shared there and for the creative connections. And because it’s so much easier to communicate there :)
Are you prepared to fight for a more positive year? I know I am! It’s not going to be easy I am sure, but it will be oh so worth it! Let's do this together!
Here's a link to the group - My 52 in a Year. Please answer the questions in order to be admitted, they are there for a reason.
I'll share how I'll tackle this in my next blog post so stay tuned or subscribe to my blog to not miss it. Also, leave a comment if you have any questions, suggestions or just want to say hello :) Connecting is very valuable to me. 
See you soon. 
With much love,



If you would like to learn more about the ego and it's ways I invite you to read this .pdf that Guy Stephen Needler wrote.


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