
I've been off-line quite a bit these past few days and it seems I have so much more time because of it. I do miss my on-line friends though and I will be keeping in touch but all in all, it’s great to be off-line and having time to enjoy life or just be.

So much has happened since my last post but THE MOST IMPORTANT thing is the Universe’s great sense of humor of either proving me wrong or as my friend said - “He needed You.”  What on earth am I talking about? Well, on Wednesday 24th I went to a different kind of meditation where I saw my group after quite some time and as we chatted and caught up on each other I told them it looks like I got over the need of having a cat. That I no longer wanted it badly or felt like I need one. I was perfectly ok with not having one around but loving them just the same as I did. And still missing the ones that had to leave. They were really surprised with my statement and we left it at that.

Well, the next day, after a perfect day of having my best friend over and making her a test skirt (test as in seeing if I can still pull it off, a simple one, from scratch - which I did) I went out for a walk with M when I, while next to the field of corn, heard miaowing. It was very faint but it was there. I immediately went to explore and found a cardboard box hidden amongst the tall grass next to the shrubs and bushes which grow by the water ditches. It took some time to find the cat that was making the noise as it climbed up one of the trees and of course didn’t know how to get down. When we approached it it made even more noise but at the same time went a bit higher above. Let me just say that it’s really good I’ve been climbing a lot recently as I wouldn’t be able to get the poor thing down otherwise. And M helped a lot too. Our walk was over with this as we rushed back home with the cat to give it some much needed food and lots of love. And my perfect day ended up being the perfect day ever! Go figure the big U, but thank You again. 

 Well Helloooou there  ^ ◡ ^ 

Sleeping a lot, especially after an hour or so of playing around.

I will talk about my creative endeavors in my next post as I don't want to post everything at once ;)

Love to you all!


  1. Haha, this is a great story! Almost the moment you gave up on the thing you were wishing so hard for, it practically fell in your lap (Ok, you had to climb a tree but still!) Does the tiny cute thing have a name yet? Congratulations!

    1. Haha, indeed! :) And thank you. I really couldn't be happier!

      And yes, his name is Mucko (I wonder how you'd pronounce it :) ). A rough translation would be kitten, but in sort of a slang.

  2. Clearly a case of it was meant to be!

    1. Awww Laura, you are probably so right! :)

  3. Adriana Calcagno5 August 2013 at 04:50

    They say cats choose their owners! He's gorgeous

  4. i want to hug him so so much ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
    he's utterly adorable, nini. congrats! :)

    1. awww dear... just drop by and you'll be able to hug him as much as you'll want! ♥

  5. Oh wow, you have a gift or a knack or love for cats and they clearly love you. Definitely a case of give up looking and they find you! Lovely to see this side of you here online, I always love catching up with you there as well.

    1. Awww, thank you Suzi! Well, I do adore cats. Maybe I was a cat in one or more of my previous lives because dogs really like to bite me :D And I like dogs too, all animals actually (except for the scary ones of course, but I still don't want to harm them).

    2. I am sure you'd love my dog. He'd never bite you! :)

  6. He's adorable. He's lucky he found you :-).

    1. Oh Esther, thank you so much. And thank you for believing he will stay with me when I thought I'll have to let him go!


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