First Cards Are Here

I received two cards from the postcard swap already. The first one was from Catherine Thomas and on it, there is a photo of this beautiful painting:

The other postcard is from Stacie and it features this extraordinary beaded mask:

Stacie says this mask is her first real "miss it" piece and I can certainly see why. It is magnificent and I hope it raised a lot of money since it was donated for an auction to Beading For Cure.

I also really like what Stacie wrote: "Remember the wonderful bits and pieces of life!".
She is absolutely right and we should live by this saying a lot more.

It's fun getting slow mail, don't you think? :)


  1. Thank you for stopping by my blog, Nini! I'm going to enjoy working back through yours as well, your work is lovely! :)
    I'm so glad you joined the post card swap and received one of mine!

    1. Awww, you are so sweet. Thank you very much.
      And I'm glad I received one of your cards, I love to see other people's "handy" works.
      I really hope your mask sold well, as it deserved.


  2. Unfortunately to my dismay, it didn't bring much which was quite depressing at the time. I would have been much happier keeping it, but it was a lesson at least in why NOT to put things out for auction :)

  3. Hi Nini! I received your fairy house postcard in the swap! I couldn't find your blog at first because I didn't realize "made by" was part of the name of it. I posted the card on the Facebook group page but haven't seen you there, and I wanted you to know how much I loved the card. I've visited that little house in my imagination and I've seen the fairies there! Thank you - I'm glad your liberated art came my way.

    1. I'm so glad you find me because it's really nice to know my card got to a good home. Thank you so much for this lovely comment.


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