
I needed to make a gift for a very gifted printing artist I met at my printing class. Based on the drawings he makes I made him Nigela:

Nigela Aerobics

Nigela loves aerobics and since she lives in a dancing school she can dance every night when the classes end. During day time, she loves to visit the school's garden:

Nigela in the Garden

I'm pretty happy with how she came out. Her legs are pink because there were no black "pipe cleaners" available anywhere and I think her leg warmers should be in a different colour but oh well, this will have to do :)

My bf statement when I showed her to him was just the best: "Omg, this is so ugly and disgusting!" :D


  1. I laughed out loud at your bf's statement!

    I actually think she's really cute! I adore those leg warmers!

    (ps I looooove that first shot with the focus on the reflection - ace!)

  2. Thank you sooooo much! *hug*


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