12 pages in 2015 - March theme

Yes, it's March which means time for our new theme to draw/paint/sew... :)  I hope you are having good times with your pages even if the prompts seem difficult at first. There's always a solution out there we just need to let go of our expectations so that it can come to us.

Interesting choice, don't you think? :)

I can't wait to see what you come up with and I'd love to see it. So please, if you are not in our FB group but are posting your pages on other social media platforms, please tag them with #12pagesin2015 so that we can all see them. Thank you so much.

Happy creating!

If you are wondering how my pages look like.... well... I will post them here when I actually do them :)  There's still time till this year is over ;)


  1. Relieved that you've not done any yet either ;) especially as I have such a lovely journal to use...I was feeling the poke of the failure devil on my shoulder, but now feel better about it. Life is too chaotic to get at my art supplies...at least I'll have masses of inspiration for when I finally have space and order!

  2. Exactly Sand, no need for any failure devils! You'll get to it when you are ready ♥


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