First Collagraph - Not

I wanted to make a collagraph for my mom's birthday ever since I lay my eyes on this technique. So I got the idea, sat down and prepared this to be printed in my printing class:


After much trouble with wiping off the excess paint from this collage to put into the print press I finally got out my much anticipated Collagraph print. And what a disappointment it was (to me at least). Certainly not fit to be given away as a present. But. Luckily for me, I loooooved the painted version of collage so I decided she is going to get that :)



  1. I saw these photos on your flickr and wondered what you were up to! I now see you were expanding your printing techniques once more and experimenting - and what an experiment! I wonder, what did the print look like when you had done it? I'm curious to know :)
    In any case you've created a wonderful piece of art from your collagraph :) The painted version is really beautiful!

  2. What an interesting looking technique! I'm also interested in seeing how the print turned out, even if it wasn't a success.
    The painted collage is beautiful!

  3. @Katrina: thank you kindly my dear :)
    I'll show the print when I'll bring it home and scan it. This was certainly a nice experiment and I think I should do more of them. Collages that is.
    What have you been up to lately?

    @Kitty Vane: Thank you very much! I will show the print when I get it home. It looks interesting but has a lack of something, plus not everything showed on it well. That was the main problem I think - thickness should have been more even on the overall surface.


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